Congrats! You're approved
If you’ve landed on this page, it means you’re selling a quality home that, honestly, should have sold by now. So why do we think we can do better? We believe that quality homes like yours deserve the best. So we’re giving you access to ALL of the best agents in your area, at no extra cost.
Why we can do better
An online agent sounds appealing, we know. If all a traditional agent is doing is grabbing your property and chucking it on Rightmove, why would you pay a fee for that? BUT, what if you had a highly effective local agent working for you, and not just one of them, but loads of them? What if you had a network of the best agents competing with each other to bring you their best buyer for your home?
Welcome to the flyp marketplace where we instruct multiple effective agents, at no extra cost.
More agents
More viewings
More offers
What happens next?
1. Your property decoded
A faster sale for more money, is our north star. We make sure nothing stands in the way of achieving just that. That starts with an inspection. We’ll assess your home to rule out any red flags that could be putting buyers off and stalling offers. If there’s anything blocking a perfect sale, we’ll get to work clearing the way.
2. Preparing your home for sale
Our in-house team of designers will do a free design consultation to help you get your home sale ready. We know what buyers are looking for and we know what sells. We’ll gladly pass that knowledge to you. We’ll give you free advice on small changes that will go a long way.
3. Instructing your market
We'll engage every relevant agent in the market - based on some fancy algorithm's (that our much smarter tech team pulled together) - any agents deemed likely to have relevant buyers, will be offered the fee that you design. We’ll instruct and manage them all, at no expense to you.
4. Creating a competitive frenzy
The result of instructing and engaging all the relevant agents? A competitive frenzy with your home at the centre. You can expect more eyes on your property leading to more viewings, more offers and ultimately, a better sale.
5. Your property sold
Consider us your sale secret weapon. We are here for you and will help manage your sale from start to finish. From fielding offers, to negotiating counter offers and instructing solicitors, we’re here for you every step of the way.
Our story in numbers
4000 +
Number of viewings organised by flyp to date
Number of homes we've flyp'd and help sell.
Average offers a flyp home receives.